Beast Type Description Natural Habitat
Skeleton Undead Simple, wandering raised skeletons of fallen humanoid species. Used by necromancers either as a menial work force, or fodder for assaults. Very aggressive, with brutal and frantic tactics. Sharp weapons are not recommended; a bludgeoning weapon is much more effective. There is evidence to suggest that skeletons as necromantic constructs have been used since ancient times, with one still-unliving skeleton found within an abandoned and sealed temple of the prehistoric dragon goddess Raudin. N/A
Deathmask Qliphoth/Insect Terrible beetle of demonic origin. To the untrained eye, it is simply a beetle with a skull pattern on its carapace that is roughly the size of a large pig, but when its wing covers are unfurled, a terrible, sallowed humanoid face is revealed in lieu of wings. This beast achieves flight by the face on its back inflating its cheeks with its breath, and hovering about due to the light gases inside. They prey upon dead creatures in demonic realms, and act as slow moving, large scavengers. Incredibly poisonous, not recommended for consumption. Can be dangerous in close quarters, so evasive tactics and ranged weaponry are recommended. Curiously, if the cheeks or face of the beast's back are pierced, it will be incapable of flight. Qliphoth
Rasmus' Dungeon Jelly Jelly An incredibly simple slime species, first discovered in year 223 by Mandragon dungeoneer Rasmus III. They are scavengers in dungeons, often looking after slow or already dead prey to adhere itself to and slowly digest into white frothy jelly-waste. Visually, the jelly appears as no more than a wet, slippery, iridescent pile of light grey slime that will sometimes have imperfections, usually dust or dirt from the dungeon, floating in its cytoplasm. Edible, though not palettable. The dwarves of Nivenhalden have learned to make jelly honey as well as jelly ale. Awakened Dungeons
Interloper Humanoid Frightful, featureless, fleshy creatures that inhabit the dank depths of the awakened dungeons. It is unknown how they sustain themselves, or how they percieve the world around them. Their appearance is that of a human, though hairless, with no facial features, clothes, any signs of intelligence or culture, or sanity. They are harmless, though can inspire great fear with their appearance. There has never been a recorded attack from an Interloper, but their strange behavior can make dungeoneers' stay within the awakened dungeons even more stressful. They will often stalk dungeoneers, watching them from a distance, doing strange things like dancing or painting on walls with whatever they can find (usually feces). They somehow have keen senses despite their lack of eyes, a nose, or ears. Awakened Dungeon
Unicorn Beast Extremely aggressive equine whose body is teeming with odyllic essence. Their signature feature is a great horn on their forehead, which is used by unicorns to "duel" other members of the same sex. At any time, even in times of danger, when a unicorn spots another of the same sex, they must engage in combat and cannot do anything else until one of them is dead. If the member is of the opposite sex, they will mate, but only if they are ready. Their extremely aggressive nature is theorized to be the cause of their rarity and endangered status. Steppes, Grasslands, Alfwood Forests
Dadai Beast Great, long-beaked bipedal bird roughly the size of a polar bear, with pale white feathers to help it blend in to its chilly climate. The long beak is meant for piercing through thick ice and snow to look for food. It is a powerful apex predator, with no natural predators due to its size and the danger posed by a fight with a dadai bird. The dadai bird is capable of an extremely powerful pecking attack; by extending its neck, which is usually pulled in tight near the body, it is able to create enough force to punch through plate armor with its long beak. Tundra, Arctic