
Magic in Miasma is controlled by a theorhetical force known as "Mana", and the manipulation of such through a link made through the mind, body, and soul.



Faith spellcasting in miasma is spellcasting related directly to one's religious or ideological beliefs, rituals, and fervor. It can often manifest itself in strange ways, or in ways that are completely unique to a certain spellcaster. Spells between different religions and schools of thought will vary wildly as they are not able to be easily organized into categories.


Wizardry is spellcasting dependent upon one's intellectual prowess and comprehension. It features magic techniques that are scientifically replicated, studied, and mastered over the course of many years of study. A deeply academic pursuit, it takes a great toll on the user's mind moreso than other fields of study. It is rumored that it draws upon an innate energy generated by highly intelligent creature. Wizardry is divided into four main denominations, greatly dependant on the manner in which they are channeled. These four classes of magic are known as Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic. Each of these "schools" correspond to a different element and can be further divided into schools.


Bardic spellcasting is dependant on creative expression and personal magical experimentation. It is seen as a less professional, folksy and artsy cousin to wizardry's more academic approach. Bardic magic is often passed down through families and cultures.

Primeval Magic

Primeval spellcasting, also known as Black Magic, Demon Magic, Witchcraft, and Savage Magic, is a spellcasting style that employs the use of a demonic master. The recipient of primeval spellcasting abilities must kiss the second face of the demon (usually located on the demon's backside) and afterward are "blessed" with a fraction of the demonic entity's raw magical power, which can be manipulated into a wide array of twisted and vile spells. Demons, primeval beings, monsters, and beasts will also utilize this form of magic, but only through the channeling of primeval magic within themselves, rarely if ever with a demonic master. Primeval magic is strengthened by the causing of pain and distress in others or in oneself.

Wizardry Schools

Sanguine, divination through Air or the study of Aeromancy

Choleric, divination through Fire or the study of Pyromancy

Melancholic, divination through Earth or the study of Geomancy

Phlegmatic, divination through Water or the study of Hydromancy

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